
Friday, July 15, 2011


As our trip winds down, I was just reviewing all the forms of transportation that we've used in London and Paris. Obviously, we started out on a plane to London. Once in London, we took a motorcoach, the underground and a double decker bus. We took the Chunnel to take us from England into France and once in France we took the Metro and used the public bus system. We also used our feet - alot to get around both countries. The girls have become "experts" with the Metro system in Paris. The picture is taken at the Glaciere station which is our main departing depot and the map is the Metro system map which we have navigated daily.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Webb, Thanks so very much for all your informative and enjoyable blog posts and pictures! Emily's parents, grandparents and "aunties" have all had a great time vicariously touring London and Paris with all of you. We appreciate all you and Madame James have done to provide this unforgettable experience for all our girls. Enjoy Versailles, safe travels and "a bientot".
